NFT Token Detail
Token ID | 2270 |
NTF Name | #2270 |
NTF Description | We'Re mOlecUleeeeSS MF! noT aPes, nOt BiRds, NOt sTinKinG gOblinS..... gEt iT???? goT it??????? tAkiNg ovER tHe etH bLoCkchAin!!!! aLL iNvitEd eXcEPt greEdy mF'eRs!! eNTer aT yoUr OwN peRiL... gOttA riSk iT tO gEt ThE bisCuiT!!!!!! nO sToPpinG tHe mOlecUleS nOw...... ItS sCience Bitch!!!! |
Contract | 0x1d6dA3359a381C62B7C2dF3c8F7C740ceCB3755f Molecules.WTF |
Contract type | ERC721 |

{ "name": " #2270", "description": "We'Re mOlecUleeeeSS MF! noT aPes, nOt BiRds, NOt sTinKinG gOblinS..... gEt iT???? goT it??????? tAkiNg ovER tHe etH bLoCkchAin!!!! aLL iNvitEd eXcEPt greEdy mF'eRs!! eNTer aT yoUr OwN peRiL... gOttA riSk iT tO gEt ThE bisCuiT!!!!!! nO sToPpinG tHe mOlecUleS nOw...... ItS sCience Bitch!!!!", "image": "ipfs://QmWP8wSDZ3estwa1KBT7TEnNS1huAoabyfMHpAVmm2fdHe//2270.png", "dna": "71fe633da6c826979c8fb6c36ff44e9e84ee128d", "edition": 2270, "date": 1654212384896, "attributes": [ { "trait_type": "Background", "value": "Dark Pixel Fucsia" }, { "trait_type": "Body ", "value": "Green" }, { "trait_type": "Eyes ", "value": "Radioactive Blue" }, { "trait_type": "Mouth ", "value": "Ionized Red" }, { "trait_type": "Headware", "value": "Berry Vine" } ], "compiler": "HashLips Art Engine" }