Contract Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra (stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra)
Including Tokens
46.947552 ETH1106366.02 DKK
Confirmed | |
Balance | 0 ETH0.00 DKK |
Transactions | 51 |
Non-contract Transactions | 3 |
Internal Transactions | 0 |
Nonce | 1 |
Contract type | ERC20 |
Contract | Quantity | Value | Transfers# |
Curve DAO Token | 191763.254495840234308131 CRV | 1083542.90 DKK(45.979076 ETH) | 49 |
Convex Token | 928.237694191100017018 CVX | 22823.12 DKK(0.968477 ETH) | 49 | USD-BTC-ETH | 0 crv3crypto | - | 96 | USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit | 0 cvxcrv3crypto | - | 2 |
Contract | Tokens | Transfers# |
# | 1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1 | 1 |
mined 19 days 21 hours ago
Cook (0x656f3d64)
ERC20 Token Transfers
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.032847508656210052 CRV0.000008 ETH0.19 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.00006569501731242 CVX0.000000 ETH0.00 DKK
15.259315572553900126 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
15.259315572553900126 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
15.259315572553900126 cvxcrv3crypto-
15.259315572553900126 crv3crypto-
15.259315572553900126 crv3crypto-gauge-
15.259315572553900126 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
15.259315572553900126 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
15.259315572553900126 crv3crypto-
15.259315572553900126 crv3crypto-
mined 19 days 21 hours ago
Cook (0x656f3d64)
ERC20 Token Transfers
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
21.070080826186610097 CRV0.005052 ETH119.05 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.04214016165237322 CVX0.000044 ETH1.04 DKK
5.875291755471633507 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
5.875291755471633507 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
5.875291755471633507 cvxcrv3crypto-
5.875291755471633507 crv3crypto-
5.875291755471633507 crv3crypto-gauge-
5.875291755471633507 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
5.875291755471633507 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
5.875291755471633507 crv3crypto-
5.875291755471633507 crv3crypto-
13104.40685 USDT3.959235 ETH93303.32 DKK
13104.40685 USDT3.959235 ETH93303.32 DKK
13104.40685 USDT3.959235 ETH93303.32 DKK
13104.40685 USDT3.959235 ETH93303.32 DKK
12619.179006152563506686 3Crv3.959015 ETH93298.15 DKK
13104.892811038063851769 MIM3.932123 ETH92664.41 DKK
19.460637797454724374 MIM0.005839 ETH137.61 DKK
13085.432173240609127395 MIM3.926284 ETH92526.80 DKK
13085.432173240609127395 MIM3.926284 ETH92526.80 DKK
mined 22 days 22 hours ago
Cook (0x656f3d64)
0 ETH0.00 DKK0.00 DKK
ERC20 Token Transfers
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
297.704676003276084796 CRV0.071381 ETH1682.16 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.595409352006552169 CVX0.000621 ETH14.64 DKK
1.640391804993283227 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
1.640391804993283227 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
1.640391804993283227 cvxcrv3crypto-
1.640391804993283227 crv3crypto-
1.640391804993283227 crv3crypto-gauge-
1.640391804993283227 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
1.640391804993283227 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
1.640391804993283227 crv3crypto-
1.640391804993283227 crv3crypto-
1.640391804993283227 crv3crypto-
mined 59 days 20 hours ago
Get Reward (0xc00007b0)
ERC20 Token Transfers
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
134.250126884055658296 CRV0.032189 ETH758.57 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.402750380652166974 CVX0.000420 ETH9.90 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
254.688022595174653611 CRV0.061067 ETH1439.09 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
1.132904581266222382 CVX0.001182 ETH27.86 DKK
mined 70 days ago
Cook (0x656f3d64)
ERC20 Token Transfers
4.797802341246934502 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
4.797802341246934502 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
4.797802341246934502 cvxcrv3crypto-
4.797802341246934502 crv3crypto-
4.797802341246934502 crv3crypto-gauge-
4.797802341246934502 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
4.797802341246934502 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
4.797802341246934502 crv3crypto-
4.797802341246934502 crv3crypto-
mined 70 days ago
Cook (0x656f3d64)
ERC20 Token Transfers
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
215.882127403303159052 CRV0.051762 ETH1219.82 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.647646382209909477 CVX0.000676 ETH15.92 DKK
2.461800463664956221 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
2.461800463664956221 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
2.461800463664956221 cvxcrv3crypto-
2.461800463664956221 crv3crypto-
2.461800463664956221 crv3crypto-gauge-
2.461800463664956221 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
2.461800463664956221 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
2.461800463664956221 crv3crypto-
2.461800463664956221 crv3crypto-
5081.011592 USDT1.535126 ETH36176.78 DKK
5081.011592 USDT1.535126 ETH36176.78 DKK
5081.011592 USDT1.535126 ETH36176.78 DKK
5081.011592 USDT1.535126 ETH36176.78 DKK
4903.927788052603930411 3Crv1.538509 ETH36256.51 DKK
5083.294104840072567869 MIM1.525242 ETH35943.86 DKK
7.548767607678861682 MIM0.002265 ETH53.38 DKK
5075.745337232393706187 MIM1.522977 ETH35890.48 DKK
5075.745337232393706187 MIM1.522977 ETH35890.48 DKK
mined 99 days 13 hours ago
Cook (0x656f3d64)
0 ETH0.00 DKK0.00 DKK
ERC20 Token Transfers
436153.213551068382378754 MIM130.867765 ETH3084029.76 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
1437.451237671484416741 CRV0.344658 ETH8122.20 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
4.31235371301445325 CVX0.004499 ETH106.03 DKK
1008.265049101765929492 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
1008.265049101765929492 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
1008.265049101765929492 cvxcrv3crypto-
1008.265049101765929492 crv3crypto-
1008.265049101765929492 crv3crypto-gauge-
1008.265049101765929492 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
1008.265049101765929492 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
1008.265049101765929492 crv3crypto-
1008.265049101765929492 crv3crypto-
1008.265049101765929492 crv3crypto-
mined 134 days 16 hours ago
Cook (0x656f3d64)
0 ETH0.00 DKK0.00 DKK
ERC20 Token Transfers
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
50.178201197573167458 CRV0.012031 ETH283.53 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.150534603592719502 CVX0.000157 ETH3.70 DKK
0.273355835013852244 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
0.273355835013852244 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
0.273355835013852244 cvxcrv3crypto-
0.273355835013852244 crv3crypto-
0.273355835013852244 crv3crypto-gauge-
0.273355835013852244 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.273355835013852244 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.273355835013852244 crv3crypto-
0.273355835013852244 crv3crypto-
0.273355835013852244 crv3crypto-
mined 135 days 14 hours ago
Cook (0x656f3d64)
0 ETH0.00 DKK0.00 DKK
ERC20 Token Transfers
301.492128238880524316 MIM0.090463 ETH2131.84 DKK
0.273355835013852244 crv3crypto-
0.273355835013852244 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
1167.667887225924683638 CRV0.279972 ETH6597.81 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
3.50300366167777405 CVX0.003655 ETH86.13 DKK
0.273355835013852244 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.273355835013852244 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.273355835013852244 crv3crypto-
0.273355835013852244 crv3crypto-
0.273355835013852244 crv3crypto-gauge-
0.273355835013852244 cvxcrv3crypto-
0.273355835013852244 cvxcrv3crypto-
mined 160 days 4 hours ago
Cook (0x656f3d64)
0 ETH0.00 DKK0.00 DKK
ERC20 Token Transfers
35240.615614931664534399 MIM10.573946 ETH249185.62 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
491.644900773372996337 CRV0.117882 ETH2778.00 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
1.474934702320118989 CVX0.001539 ETH36.27 DKK
83.047413643413448806 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
83.047413643413448806 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
83.047413643413448806 cvxcrv3crypto-
83.047413643413448806 crv3crypto-
83.047413643413448806 crv3crypto-gauge-
83.047413643413448806 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
83.047413643413448806 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
83.047413643413448806 crv3crypto-
83.047413643413448806 crv3crypto-
83.047413643413448806 crv3crypto-
mined 168 days 10 hours ago
Cook (0x656f3d64)
0 ETH0.00 DKK0.00 DKK
ERC20 Token Transfers
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.571683936487454462 CRV0.000137 ETH3.23 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.002286735745949817 CVX0.000002 ETH0.06 DKK
0.000094322288957579 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
0.000094322288957579 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
0.000094322288957579 cvxcrv3crypto-
0.000094322288957579 crv3crypto-
0.000094322288957579 crv3crypto-gauge-
0.000094322288957579 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.000094322288957579 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.000094322288957579 crv3crypto-
0.000094322288957579 crv3crypto-
0.000094322288957579 crv3crypto-
mined 168 days 10 hours ago
Cook (0x656f3d64)
0 ETH0.00 DKK0.00 DKK
ERC20 Token Transfers
12.74996738996399285 MIM0.003826 ETH90.15 DKK
0.010883283131625357 crv3crypto-
0.010883283131625357 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
508.152301713460600099 CRV0.121840 ETH2871.27 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
2.0326092068538424 CVX0.002121 ETH49.98 DKK
0.010883283131625357 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.010883283131625357 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.010883283131625357 crv3crypto-
0.010883283131625357 crv3crypto-
0.010883283131625357 crv3crypto-gauge-
0.010883283131625357 cvxcrv3crypto-
0.010883283131625357 cvxcrv3crypto-
mined 176 days 17 hours ago
Cook (0x656f3d64)
0 ETH0.00 DKK0.00 DKK
ERC20 Token Transfers
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
351.963054534972108944 CRV0.084390 ETH1988.74 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
1.407852218139888435 CVX0.001469 ETH34.62 DKK
20.038144324982041974 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
20.038144324982041974 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
20.038144324982041974 cvxcrv3crypto-
20.038144324982041974 crv3crypto-
20.038144324982041974 crv3crypto-gauge-
20.038144324982041974 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
20.038144324982041974 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
20.038144324982041974 crv3crypto-
20.038144324982041974 crv3crypto-
36939.292386 USDT11.160469 ETH263007.60 DKK
36939.292386 USDT11.160469 ETH263007.60 DKK
36939.292386 USDT11.160469 ETH263007.60 DKK
36939.292386 USDT11.160469 ETH263007.60 DKK
35714.604614141520014287 3Crv11.204743 ETH264050.98 DKK
36953.812316077234169595 MIM11.087991 ETH261299.59 DKK
54.87565508081552313 MIM0.016465 ETH388.02 DKK
36898.936660996418646465 MIM11.071525 ETH260911.57 DKK
0 USDT0.000000 ETH0.00 DKK
36898.936660996418646465 MIM11.071525 ETH260911.57 DKK
35.707834573957786716 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
35.707834573957786716 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
35.707834573957786716 cvxcrv3crypto-
35.707834573957786716 crv3crypto-
35.707834573957786716 crv3crypto-gauge-
35.707834573957786716 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
35.707834573957786716 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
35.707834573957786716 crv3crypto-
35.707834573957786716 crv3crypto-
35.707834573957786716 crv3crypto-
mined 181 days 14 hours ago
Cook (0x656f3d64)
0 ETH0.00 DKK0.00 DKK
ERC20 Token Transfers
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
2.486731505064370483 CRV0.000596 ETH14.05 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.009946926020257481 CVX0.000010 ETH0.24 DKK
16.464436969928687001 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
16.464436969928687001 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
16.464436969928687001 cvxcrv3crypto-
16.464436969928687001 crv3crypto-
16.464436969928687001 crv3crypto-gauge-
16.464436969928687001 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
16.464436969928687001 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
16.464436969928687001 crv3crypto-
16.464436969928687001 crv3crypto-
16.464436969928687001 crv3crypto-
mined 181 days 14 hours ago
Cook (0x656f3d64)
0 ETH0.00 DKK0.00 DKK
ERC20 Token Transfers
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
1.131595919954009645 CRV0.000271 ETH6.39 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.004526383679816038 CVX0.000005 ETH0.11 DKK
2 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
2 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
2 crv3crypto-
2 crv3crypto-gauge-
2 cvxcrv3crypto-
mined 181 days 14 hours ago
Cook (0x656f3d64)
0 ETH0.00 DKK0.00 DKK
ERC20 Token Transfers
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
2077.049523200829151508 CRV0.498014 ETH11736.20 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
8.308198092803316606 CVX0.008668 ETH204.28 DKK
22.107576959720550021 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
22.107576959720550021 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
22.107576959720550021 cvxcrv3crypto-
22.107576959720550021 crv3crypto-
22.107576959720550021 crv3crypto-gauge-
22.107576959720550021 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
22.107576959720550021 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
22.107576959720550021 crv3crypto-
22.107576959720550021 crv3crypto-
22.107576959720550021 crv3crypto-
mined 195 days 15 hours ago
Cook (0x656f3d64)
0 ETH0.00 DKK0.00 DKK
ERC20 Token Transfers
228180.90930039464517337 MIM68.465679 ETH1613462.18 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
3.284038489048781617 CRV0.000787 ETH18.56 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.013136153956195126 CVX0.000014 ETH0.32 DKK
198.021687034732321112 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
198.021687034732321112 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
198.021687034732321112 cvxcrv3crypto-
198.021687034732321112 crv3crypto-
198.021687034732321112 crv3crypto-gauge-
198.021687034732321112 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
198.021687034732321112 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
198.021687034732321112 crv3crypto-
198.021687034732321112 crv3crypto-
198.021687034732321112 crv3crypto-
mined 195 days 15 hours ago
Cook (0x656f3d64)
0 ETH0.00 DKK0.00 DKK
ERC20 Token Transfers
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
11019.536815528943240995 CRV2.642154 ETH62265.01 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
44.078147262115772963 CVX0.045989 ETH1083.78 DKK
200 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
200 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
200 cvxcrv3crypto-
200 crv3crypto-gauge-
200 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
200 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
200 crv3crypto-
200 crv3crypto-
mined 219 days 18 hours ago
Airdrop (0xc204642c)
ERC1155 Token Transfers
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
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1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
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1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
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1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
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1 Visit nft-convexfinance for more information of ID 1
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mined 226 days 16 hours ago
Cook (0x656f3d64)
0 ETH0.00 DKK0.00 DKK
ERC20 Token Transfers
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
1163.954294014690911452 CRV0.279081 ETH6576.83 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
4.655817176058763645 CVX0.004858 ETH114.48 DKK
0.582581758805324655 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
0.582581758805324655 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
0.582581758805324655 cvxcrv3crypto-
0.582581758805324655 crv3crypto-
0.582581758805324655 crv3crypto-gauge-
0.582581758805324655 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.582581758805324655 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.582581758805324655 crv3crypto-
0.582581758805324655 crv3crypto-
0.582581758805324655 crv3crypto-
mined 228 days 23 hours ago
Cook (0x656f3d64)
0 ETH0.00 DKK0.00 DKK
ERC20 Token Transfers
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
337.065522351146776164 CRV0.080818 ETH1904.56 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
1.348262089404587104 CVX0.001407 ETH33.15 DKK
0.218155018939492246 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
0.218155018939492246 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
0.218155018939492246 cvxcrv3crypto-
0.218155018939492246 crv3crypto-
0.218155018939492246 crv3crypto-gauge-
0.218155018939492246 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.218155018939492246 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.218155018939492246 crv3crypto-
0.218155018939492246 crv3crypto-
435.619475 USDT0.131614 ETH3101.61 DKK
435.619475 USDT0.131614 ETH3101.61 DKK
435.619475 USDT0.131614 ETH3101.61 DKK
435.619475 USDT0.131614 ETH3101.61 DKK
421.616063824857485059 3Crv0.132274 ETH3117.16 DKK
437.026152590177094761 MIM0.131130 ETH3090.20 DKK
0.648982914451436239 MIM0.000195 ETH4.59 DKK
436.377169675725658522 MIM0.130935 ETH3085.61 DKK
0 USDT0.000000 ETH0.00 DKK
436.377169675725658522 MIM0.130935 ETH3085.61 DKK
0.048621677538544942 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
0.048621677538544942 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
0.048621677538544942 cvxcrv3crypto-
0.048621677538544942 crv3crypto-
0.048621677538544942 crv3crypto-gauge-
0.048621677538544942 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.048621677538544942 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.048621677538544942 crv3crypto-
0.048621677538544942 crv3crypto-
0.048621677538544942 crv3crypto-
mined 229 days 15 hours ago
Cook (0x656f3d64)
0 ETH0.00 DKK0.00 DKK
ERC20 Token Transfers
234202.709376018669118233 MIM70.272520 ETH1656042.20 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
2552.782258643252934278 CRV0.612081 ETH14424.29 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
10.211129034573011737 CVX0.010654 ETH251.07 DKK
247.034515571807547906 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
247.034515571807547906 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
247.034515571807547906 cvxcrv3crypto-
247.034515571807547906 crv3crypto-
247.034515571807547906 crv3crypto-gauge-
247.034515571807547906 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
247.034515571807547906 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
247.034515571807547906 crv3crypto-
247.034515571807547906 crv3crypto-
247.034515571807547906 crv3crypto-
mined 234 days 17 hours ago
Cook (0x656f3d64)
0 ETH0.00 DKK0.00 DKK
ERC20 Token Transfers
0.053801234468397855 crv3crypto-
0.053801234468397855 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
4750.564224647170168608 CRV1.139043 ETH26842.68 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
19.002256898588680674 CVX0.019826 ETH467.22 DKK
0.053801234468397855 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.053801234468397855 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.053801234468397855 crv3crypto-
0.053801234468397855 crv3crypto-
0.053801234468397855 crv3crypto-gauge-
0.053801234468397855 cvxcrv3crypto-
0.053801234468397855 cvxcrv3crypto-
427.984978256296360342 MIM0.128417 ETH3026.27 DKK
427.984978256296360342 MIM0.128417 ETH3026.27 DKK
427.984978256296360342 MIM0.128417 ETH3026.27 DKK
412.906478322041969281 3Crv0.129541 ETH3052.77 DKK
426.545091 USDT0.128872 ETH3037.00 DKK
426.545091 USDT0.128872 ETH3037.00 DKK
0.633419 USDT0.000191 ETH4.51 DKK
425.911672 USDT0.128681 ETH3032.49 DKK
0 MIM0.000000 ETH0.00 DKK
425.911672 USDT0.128681 ETH3032.49 DKK
0.212975462009639333 crv3crypto-
0.212975462009639333 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.212975462009639333 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.212975462009639333 crv3crypto-
0.212975462009639333 crv3crypto-
0.212975462009639333 crv3crypto-gauge-
0.212975462009639333 cvxcrv3crypto-
0.212975462009639333 cvxcrv3crypto-
mined 242 days 1 hour ago
Cook (0x656f3d64)
0 ETH0.00 DKK0.00 DKK
ERC20 Token Transfers
541.661530610997396671 MIM0.162526 ETH3830.08 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
2077.6050674185232865 CRV0.498147 ETH11739.34 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
10.388025337092616432 CVX0.010838 ETH255.42 DKK
0.666043916908427738 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
0.666043916908427738 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
0.666043916908427738 cvxcrv3crypto-
0.666043916908427738 crv3crypto-
0.666043916908427738 crv3crypto-gauge-
0.666043916908427738 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.666043916908427738 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.666043916908427738 crv3crypto-
0.666043916908427738 crv3crypto-
0.666043916908427738 crv3crypto-
mined 245 days 7 hours ago
Cook (0x656f3d64)
0 ETH0.00 DKK0.00 DKK
ERC20 Token Transfers
438166.289997050704944419 MIM131.471789 ETH3098264.18 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
5.358398610781938534 CRV0.001285 ETH30.28 DKK
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
0.026791993053909692 CVX0.000028 ETH0.66 DKK
400.000015055844769667 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
400.000015055844769667 stkcvxcrv3crypto-abra-
400.000015055844769667 cvxcrv3crypto-
400.000015055844769667 crv3crypto-
400.000015055844769667 crv3crypto-gauge-
400.000015055844769667 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
400.000015055844769667 crv3crypto-
Staked USD-BTC-ETH Convex Deposit Abra
400.000015055844769667 crv3crypto-
400.000015055844769667 crv3crypto-
400.000015055844769667 crv3crypto-